
Choose Questions for Your Doctor

  • This is a list of questions that many patients have about clinical trials.
  • If you would like to talk with your doctor about a question, click the circle next to it, and a green checkmark will appear.
  • Be sure to scroll down to see all the questions. After you have gone through them all, click on the done button at the bottom of the page.
  • The questions you chose will appear on the next page. You can print or email them so you can share them with your doctor to help focus on what is most important to you should you decide to explore clinical trials. You can also send them to your doctor so that you both have them for your next appointment.

Hear from a physician

Dr. Martin J. Edelman, MD talks about why it’s important to ask questions

After that, you’ll find a list of resources for finding clinical trials, as well as resources for different types of support, whether it be for participating in a clinical trial or for specific types of cancer.

Questions for Your Doctor

Select which questions you would like to ask your doctor

Benefits of clinical trials
Health impacts of being on a clinical trial
Practical questions about being in a clinical trial
How to find information on a clinical trial
Seeking advice about clinical trials